Bell Innovation Wall
An interactive screen exploring Bell’s rich history and innovation of flight.

Bell needed a way to engage and educate visitors of their history at events, trade shows, and at the Bell headquarters. S5D was challenged to revitalize the traditional timeline while adding in some form of interaction and entertainment. Not only was the timeline itself important, but allowing Bell employees to update the timeline quickly and efficiently was a key hurdle to overcome.

The interactive timeline was featured at Heli-Expo and enabled Bell to be shown as an industry leader while exhibiting their rich past in an innovative way. Visitors were highly entertained while still learning about the backbone of Bell’s history and browsing relevant media. Bell employees have found the CMS to be easy to use and maintain moving forward.

S5D built an interactive timeline that allowed Bell to showcase its history through a digital experience where visitors can discover and interact with key milestones. The experience was built on 4 80″ touchscreens, lined up one after another horizontally, acting as either one large animated timeline or 4 individual timelines. Each one responds to user input on the screen itself and showcases images, videos, and text articles relating to events over Bell’s past. Bell employees are able to drag and drop in new files as they wish to add or augment the content.

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